• info@onehealthmedical.com
  • (786) 725-2929

Comprehensive Dental Services

At One health Medical Centers our contracted bilingual, highly qualified, licensed, board-certified dentist and dental assistants recognize that poor oral health can not only cause a lot of pain but can affect your whole body and have negative effects on other chronic diseases.

By using state of the art equipment which meet and exceed American Dental Association standards such as digital x-rays, sterilized dental instruments, high-quality restorative and denture materials, high quality dental chairs our dentists can treat:

  • Extractions
  • Root Canals
  • Bridges
  • Periodontal (gum) disease and cleaning
  • Partial or total loss of teeth
  • Partial and complete dentures
  • Crowns
  • Dental Implants

Once our patients given their first dental evaluation, they will be able to know the exact necessary treatment and schedule their appointments with ease at any of our locations. For your convenience, we provide door to door transportation service in our own private fleet of vans to all specialist appointments. This includes wheelchair access vans.

Our patients do not need a referral to be seen by our dentist but if there is a need to refer out to outside specialist for surgery our referral department will coordinate the necessary appointments and notify them once the authorization has been processed by their health plan.

At One Health Medical Centers, we're committed to your well-being